Saturday, October 13, 2012

Scorpio Horoscope 2013

You may suddenly stumble into a relationship that is controversial yet sexually intoxicating. You could also suddenly be torn between two lovers or two relationships. Be your exclusive self despite numerous temptations this year or there will be a price to pay, legal or otherwise. Be aware of some upcoming detours on your personal journey for justice and true love. It takes more than just looks to get on your private list of both friends and lovers.

 Although you may appear conceited to others at times, quite the contrary. Underneath it all, you are a powerful, loyal and funny friend. It is you that executives want to hire and consult with. It is also you who is there for others during both good times and the not so great times. You also bring the gift of humor to all situations both good and bad. Follow rules and behave, Scorpio, because you have no other choice this year! A Taurus and another Scorpio may light up your social and or romantic life. These fixed signs bring perspective and passion to your life.

January and February promise luck, money and sudden twists and turns in your love life. May and October will be very memorable months featuring beginnings, endings and reunions in your sex and love life. Surprises usually occur in your life on a regular basis with regard to work and play. You don't go looking for the unusual; it finds you instead. Get ready, Scorpio, because there are even more surprises this year of a pleasant nature and you couldn't be happier when final results are in and announcements are made. March, July and November will be your most memorable and luckiest months of the year. You experience luck through taking care of your health especially in 2013.